Download Drama Korea Subtitle Indonesia

Download Drama Korea King the Land Episode 16 Subtitle Indonesia

Download Drama Korea King the Land (2023) Subtitle Indonesia

DrakorFilm – Drama romantis JTBC mendatang “King the Land” yang dibintangi oleh YoonA Girls’ Generation dan Lee Junho 2PM telah meluncurkan teaser ketiga!

Drama korea King the Land bercerita tentang pewaris chaebol bernama Gu Won (Lee Junho) yang tidak tahan dengan senyum palsu. Dia bertemu Cheon Sa Rang (YoonA) yang selalu dilengkapi dengan senyum cerah bahkan ketika dia tidak mau karena sifat profesinya, dan bersama-sama, keduanya berangkat untuk menemukan hari bahagia di mana mereka dapat dengan tulus tersenyum cerah bersama. . King the Land mengacu pada lounge bisnis VVIP, yang merupakan tempat impian bagi para pelaku bisnis perhotelan.

Teaser dimulai dengan Gu Won masuk dengan megahnya dengan melompat dari pesawat. Sebagai manajer umum King Hotel, Gu Won tampaknya memiliki semua yang dia inginkan dan banyak lagi, mulai dari ketampanan hingga kecerdasan dan kekayaan.

Namun, ada tiga hal khusus yang tidak dimiliki Gu Won: rekening tabungan perumahan, tawa, dan sel cinta. Dia sangat menentang tawa dan senyum palsu, dengan canggung mengangkat sisi bibirnya ketika diminta tersenyum untuk difoto. Ini meluas ke orang lain saat dia memberi tahu Cheon Sa Rang dengan nada kesal, “Jangan tersenyum.” Pada kesempatan terpisah, dia memperingatkannya, “Jika kamu tersenyum, kamu dipecat.”

Selain membenci senyuman, Gu Won memiliki kepribadian yang dingin dan sangat tidak memiliki kecerdasan dan selera humor, sehingga kehidupan cintanya menjadi basi. Sikapnya yang blak-blakan tidak membantu saat dia dengan kasar memberi tahu Cheon Sa Rang, “Bahkan jika kamu mati dan kembali, kamu bukan gayaku.”

Mengikuti komentar sinis semua orang tentang kurangnya pengalamannya berkencan, Gu Won akhirnya memberanikan diri untuk bertanya pada Cheon Sa Rang, “Apakah kamu mau makan malam denganku?” Tapi dia dengan acuh tak acuh menjawab, “Saya tidak mau,” langsung membuatnya bingung.

Tonton teaser lengkapnya di bawah ini!

Sinopsis Drama Korea King the Land (2023)

Gu Won (Lee Joon-Ho) adalah putra dari keluarga chaebol. Keluarganya memiliki dan menjalankan King Group. Dia kemudian dilempar ke dalam perang warisan atas Grup Raja. Gu Won adalah pria muda yang cerdas, anggun, dan cantik, tapi dia tidak pandai berkencan. Dia tidak bisa menahan senyum palsu.

Cheon Sa-Rang (Lim Yoon-A) memiliki kepribadian yang cerah, dengan wajah tersenyum. Dia mulai bekerja di King Hotel, yang menjadi latar belakang beberapa kenangan terindahnya dari masa kecilnya. Saat bekerja di hotel, dia menghadapi berbagai kesulitan. Dia juga tumbuh sebagai pribadi. Gu Won dan Cheon Sa-Rang bertemu dan hubungan romantis berkembang.

Detail Drakor King the Land

Drama: Raja Negeri
Romanisasi yang direvisi: Raja Negeri
Hangul: 킹더랜드
Direktur: Im Hyun-Wook
Penulis : Choi Rom
Jaringan: JTBC
Jumlah Episode: 16
Tanggal Rilis: 17 Juni 2023 —
Waktu Tayang: Sabtu & Minggu 22:30
Bahasa: Korea
Negara: Korea Selatan

Daftar Pemain Drama King the Land

Lee Joon-Ho berperan sebagai Gu Won
Lim Yoon-A berperan sebagai Cheon Sa-Rang
Go Won-Hee berperan sebagai Oh Pyeong-Hwa
Kim Ga-Eun berperan sebagai Kang Da-Eul
An Se-Ha berperan sebagai No Sang-Sik
Kim Jae-Won berperan sebagai Lee Ro-Woon

Download Drama Korea King the Land Subtitle Indonesia

Episodes 1

360p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HellaBYTE | GDrive | StreamSB | HXFile | Upstream | PixelDrain | Racaty | Filelions | SendCM

480p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HellaBYTE | GDrive | Upstream | Hxfile | Mirrored | Racaty | SendCM | FileLion | StreamSB

540p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HellaBYTE | GDrive | StreamSB | HXFile | Upstream | PixelDrain | Racaty | Filelions | SendCM

720p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HellaBYTE | GDrive | Upstream | Hxfile | Mirrored | Racaty | SendCM | FileLion | StreamSB

1080p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HellaBYTE | GDrive | StreamSB | HXFile | Upstream | PixelDrain | Racaty | Filelions | SendCM

Episodes 2

360p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HellaBYTE | GDrive | StreamSB | HXFile | Upstream | PixelDrain | Racaty | Filelions | SendCM

480p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HellaBYTE | GDrive | Upstream | Hxfile | Mirrored | Racaty | SendCM | FileLion | StreamSB

540p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HellaBYTE | GDrive | StreamSB | HXFile | Upstream | PixelDrain | Racaty | Filelions | SendCM

720p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HellaBYTE | GDrive | Upstream | Hxfile | Mirrored | Racaty | SendCM | FileLion | StreamSB

1080p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HellaBYTE | GDrive | StreamSB | HXFile | Upstream | PixelDrain | Racaty | Filelions | SendCM

Episodes 3

360p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HellaBYTE | Streamws | StreamSB | Streamhd | Upstream | PixelDrain | Mp4up | FileLion | SendCM

480p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HellaBYTE | GDrive | Upstream | Streamhd | Mirrored | HXFile | SendCM | FileLion | StreamSB

540p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HellaBYTE | Streamws | StreamSB | Streamhd | Upstream | PixelDrain | Mp4up | FileLion | SendCM

720p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HellaBYTE | GDrive | Upstream | Streamhd | Mirrored | HXFile | SendCM | FileLion | StreamSB

1080p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HellaBYTE | Streamws | StreamSB | Streamhd | Upstream | PixelDrain | HXFile | FileLion | SendCM

Episodes 4

360p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HellaBYTE | Streamws | StreamSB | Streamhd | Upstream | PixelDrain | Mp4up | FileLion | SendCM

480p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HellaBYTE | GDrive | Upstream | Hxfile | Mirrored | StreamHD | SendCM | FileLion | StreamSB

540p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HellaBYTE | Streamws | StreamSB | Streamhd | Upstream | PixelDrain | Mp4up | FileLion | SendCM

720p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HellaBYTE | GDrive | Upstream | Hxfile | Mirrored | StreamHD | SendCM | FileLion | StreamSB

1080p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HellaBYTE | GDrive | Upstream | Hxfile | Mirrored | StreamHD | SendCM | FileLion | StreamSB

Episodes 5

360p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HellaBYTE | GDrive | StreamSB | Streamhd | Upstream | PixelDrain | Streamws | FileLion | SendCM

480p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HellaBYTE | GDrive | Upstream | Hxfile | Mirrored | StreamHide | SendCM | FileLion | StreamSB

540p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HellaBYTE | GDrive | StreamSB | Streamhd | Upstream | PixelDrain | Streamws | FileLion | SendCM

720p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HellaBYTE | GDrive | Upstream | Hxfile | Mirrored | StreamHide | SendCM | FileLion | StreamSB

1080p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HellaBYTE | GDrive | StreamSB | Streamhd | Upstream | PixelDrain | Streamws | FileLion | SendCM

Episodes 6

360p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HellaBYTE | GDrive | StreamSB | Streamhd | Upstream | PixelDrain | Streamws | FileLion | SendCM

480p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HellaBYTE | GDrive | Upstream | Hxfile | Mirrored | StreamHide | SendCM | FileLion | StreamSB

540p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HellaBYTE | GDrive | StreamSB | Streamhd | Upstream | PixelDrain | Streansw | FileLion | SendCM

720p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HellaBYTE | GDrive | Upstream | Hxfile | Mirrored | StreamHide | SendCM | FileLion | StreamSB

1080p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HellaBYTE | Streamws | StreamSB | Streamhd | Upstream | PixelDrain | GDrive | FileLion | SendCM

Episodes 7

360p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HellaBYTE | GDrive | StreamSB | Streamhd | Upstream | PixelDrain | Streamws | FileLion | SendCM

480p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HellaBYTE | GDrive | Upstream | Hxfile | Mirrored | StreamHide | SendCM | FileLion | StreamSB

540p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HellaBYTE | GDrive | StreamSB | Streamhd | Upstream | PixelDrain | Streamws | FileLion | SendCM

720p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HellaBYTE | GDrive | Upstream | Hxfile | Mirrored | StreamHide | SendCM | FileLion | StreamSB

1080p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HellaBYTE | GDrive | StreamSB | Streamhd | Upstream | PixelDrain | Streamws | FileLion | SendCM

Episodes 8

360p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HellaBYTE | GDrive | StreamSB | Streamhd | Upstream | PixelDrain | Streamws | FileLion | SendCM

480p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HellaBYTE | GDrive | Upstream | Hxfile | Mirrored | StreamHide | SendCM | FileLion | StreamSB

540p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HellaBYTE | GDrive | StreamSB | Streamhd | Upstream | PixelDrain | Streamws | FileLion | SendCM

720p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HellaBYTE | GDrive | Upstream | Streamhd | Mirrored | StreamHide | SendCM | FileLion | StreamSB

1080p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HellaBYTE | GDrive | StreamSB | Streamhd | Upstream | PixelDrain | Streamws | FileLion | SendCM

Episodes 9

360p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HellaBYTE | GDrive | Upstream | StreamWS | Mirrored | StreamHide | SendCM | FileLion | StreamSB

480p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HellaBYTE | GDrive | Upstream | StreamWS | Mirrored | StreamHide | SendCM | FileLion | StreamSB

540p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HellaBYTE | GDrive | Upstream | StreamWS | Mirrored | StreamHide | SendCM | FileLion | StreamSB

720p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HellaBYTE | GDrive | Upstream | StreamWS | Mirrored | StreamHide | SendCM | FileLion | StreamSB

1080p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HellaBYTE | GDrive | StreamSB | Streamhd | Upstream | PixelDrain | Streamws | FileLion | SendCM

Episodes 10

360p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HellaBYTE | GDrive | StreamSB | Streamhd | Upstream | PixelDrain | Streamws | FileLion | SendCM

480p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HellaBYTE | GDrive | StreamSB | Streamhd | Upstream | PixelDrain | Streamws | FileLion | SendCM

540p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HellaBYTE | GDrive | StreamSB | Streamhd | Upstream | PixelDrain | Streamws | FileLion | SendCM

720p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HellaBYTE | GDrive | StreamSB | Streamhd | Upstream | PixelDrain | Streamws | FileLion | SendCM

1080p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HellaBYTE | GDrive | StreamSB | Streamhd | Upstream | PixelDrain | Streamws | FileLion | SendCM

Episodes 11

360p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HellaBYTE | GDrive | Upstream | StreamWS | Mirrored | StreamHide | SendCM | FileLion | StreamSB

480p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HellaBYTE | GDrive | Upstream | StreamWS | Mirrored | StreamHide | SendCM | FileLion | StreamSB

540p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HellaBYTE | GDrive | Upstream | StreamWS | Mirrored | StreamHide | SendCM | FileLion | StreamSB

720p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HellaBYTE | GDrive | Upstream | StreamWS | Mirrored | StreamHide | SendCM | FileLion | StreamSB

1080p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HellaBYTE | GDrive | Upstream | StreamWS | Mirrored | StreamHide | SendCM | FileLion

Episodes 12

360p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HellaBYTE | GDrive | StreamSB | GETT | Upstream | PixelDrain | Streamws | FileLion | SendCM

480p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HellaBYTE | GDrive | StreamSB | GETT | Upstream | PixelDrain | Streamws | FileLion | SendCM

540p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HellaBYTE | GDrive | StreamSB | GETT | Upstream | PixelDrain | Streamws | FileLion | SendCM

720p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HellaBYTE | GDrive | StreamSB | GETT | Upstream | PixelDrain | Streamws | FileLion | SendCM

1080p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HellaBYTE | GDrive | StreamSB | GETT | Upstream | PixelDrain | Streamws | FileLion | SendCM

Episodes 13

360p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HellaBYTE | GDrive | StreamSB | GETT | Upstream | PixelDrain | Streamws | FileLion | SendCM

480p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HelBYTE | GDrive | Upstream | StreamWS | Mirrored | PxlDrain | SendCM | FileLion | StreamSB

540p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HellaBYTE | GDrive | StreamSB | GETT | Upstream | PixelDrain | Streamws | FileLion | SendCM

720p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HelBYTE | GDrive | Upstream | StreamWS | Mirrored | PxlDrain | SendCM | FileLion | StreamSB

1080p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HellaBYTE | GDrive | StreamSB | GETT | Upstream | PixelDrain | Streamws | FileLion | SendCM

Episodes 14

360p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HellaBYTE | GDrive | StreamSB | ZippSR | Upstream | PixelDrain | Streamws | FileLion | SendCM

480p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HelBYTE | GDrive | Upstream | StreamWS | Mirrored | PxlDrain | SendCM | FileLion | StreamSB

540p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HellaBYTE | GDrive | StreamSB | ZippSR | Upstream | PixelDrain | Streamws | FileLion | SendCM

720p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HelBYTE | GDrive | Upstream | StreamWS | Mirrored | PxlDrain | SendCM | FileLion | StreamSB

1080p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HellaBYTE | GDrive | StreamSB | ZippSR | Upstream | PixelDrain | Streamws | FileLion | SendCM

Episodes 15

360p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HellaBYTE | GDrive | GETT | ZippSR | Upstream | PixelDrain | Streamws | FileLion | SendCM

480p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HellaBYTE | GDrive | Upstream | ZippySR | Mirrored | PxlDrain | SendCM | FileLion | StreamWS

540p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HellaBYTE | GDrive | GETT | ZippSR | Upstream | PixelDrain | Streamws | FileLion | SendCM

720p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HellaBYTE | GDrive | Upstream | ZippySR | Mirrored | PxlDrain | SendCM | FileLion | StreamWS

1080p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HellaBYTE | GDrive | GETT | ZippSR | Upstream | PixelDrain | Streamws | FileLion | SendCM

Episodes 16 End

360p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HellaBYTE | GDrive | GETT | ZippSR | Upstream | PixelDrain | Streamws | FileLion | SendCM

480p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HellaBYTE | GDrive | GETT | ZippSR | Upstream | PixelDrain | Streamws | FileLion | SendCM

540p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HellaBYTE | GDrive | GETT | ZippSR | Upstream | PixelDrain | Streamws | FileLion | SendCM

720p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HellaBYTE | GDrive | GETT | ZippSR | Upstream | PixelDrain | Streamws | FileLion | SendCM

1080p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | HellaBYTE | GDrive | GETT | ZippSR | Upstream | PixelDrain | Streamws | FileLion | SendCM

1. Jangan lewatkan juga Moving (2023) dibintangi Goo Yun Jung tayang 9 Agustus.
2. King The Land akan digantikan oleh drakor baru Behind Your Touch dibintangi Suho ‘EXO’.

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